Bredbandskollen is an easy way for you to measure your internet speed and to get help to improve it.

By starting the measurement, you agree to the Terms of Service and confirm that you have read the Privacy Policy.

00,00 Mbit/s
00,00 Mbit/s
Response time
0,0 ms

Is your measurement result good or bad?

By specifying the type of connection and the internet speed you pay for, you can get an assessment of whether your measurement result is good or bad.

Om du har problem med att använda Bredbandskollen, eller misstänker något fel i mätningen kan du kontakta vår support.

If you suspect that you are not getting the right rate from your ISP, contact their support.

Bredbandskollen on mobile

App Store
Google Play
Huawei Appgallery

We have updated the privacy policy for Bredbandskollen

We have updated the privacy policy for Bredbandskollen to better support Swedish authorities, regions and municipalities in their work on developing the Swedish digital infrastructure and provide statistics about internet in Sweden.


Any questions? Search for the answer on our help pages


This map gives you a good overview of the speed of our Swedish mobile networks.

Privacy Policy

The Internet foundation is responsible according to current data protection legislation for the personal data processed in Bredbandskollen.