About OAO

OAO Team

Ongoing Programmes

IAU Global Outreach Projects



Past Projects & Events

Contact Us!


The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (IAU OAO) bridges the International Astronomical Union (IAU) with the global astronomy community of amateur astronomers, outreach practitioners, educators, communicators, and the general public. The office manages a number of programmes through international collaboration to make the science of astronomy accessible to all.

The IAU OAO is a joint project of the IAU and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The IAU OAO is located on the NAOJ Mitaka Campus in Mitaka, Japan.

Follow us on , Twitter, and YouTube or subscribe to our newsletter to learn the latest updates from the IAU OAO.

Ongoing Programmes

Click on the name for each programme to learn more about it.


IAU National Outreach Coordinators Network

The IAU National Outreach Coordinators Network act as a point-of-contact for national and territorial astronomical outreach and the implementation of IAU outreach programming.

IAU Global Outreach Events Calendar

Find local and international astronomy events through the community-generated IAU Global Outreach Events Calendar.

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Webb Space Telescope public engagement and outreach activities

The lead-up to the release of JWST's first images has sparked an incredible amount of public engagement and outreach activities around the globe. Join this global community.

Online Astronomy@Home Awards

The Online Astronomy@Home Awards recognise the efforts of astronomy outreach practitioners in reaction to effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Meet the IAU Astronomers!

Bring an IAU-member astronomer into your classroom, museum, or astronomy club meeting with the Meet the IAU Astronomers! programme.

Astronomy Translation Network

A volunteer network of translators translate top-level astronomy outreach resources for better access to astronomical activities around the world.

Call to Action

A list of virtual resources to learn about astronomy, created in partnership with the IAU offices as a response to COVID-19.

Professional Development

Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP) Programmes

Programmes to support the professional development of astronomy communicators.

Inspiring Stars

Resources for creating astronomy outreach events or programming accessible to audiences of all abilities.

IAU Outreach Visitors Programme

Annual visitors programme to the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach.

NARIT-NAOJ/IAU Astronomy Outreach Trainee Programme

A training programme to improve international ties between NARIT, NAOJ, and the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach.

IAU Global Outreach Projects

The IAU Outreach Global Projects are annual international outreach activities officially endorsed by the IAU. These activities are generally celebrated around particular events and independent organisers internationally are invited to join in these IAU outreach initiatives.

Click on the name for each project to learn more about it.

Women and Girls in Astronomy

A project to honour the contribution of women and girls in astronomy. Most events run throughout February and March.

Telescopes for All

An annual project to bring telescopes to underserved communities across the globe.

Dark and Quiet Skies

A project to raise awareness of the need for dark and quiet skies, centred around the month of May.

100 Hours of Astronomy

An event of 100 hours of continuous astronomy in October.


View publications from the office, created for use by astronomy outreach practitioners and for the public to learn more about the IAU.

Online-only Publications


IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter
See newsletter for translations

IAU Themes

Printable Publications

2022 IAU Outreach Programming Brochure

Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal

Big Ideas in Astronomy [JP]

From Medicine to Wi-Fi: Technical Application of Astronomy to Society [EN] [JP]

Light Pollution Brochure

CAP2018 JAPAN | Proceedings

IAU Strategic Plan 2020-2030


The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach is a partnership between the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and is hosted at the NAOJ Mitaka Campus in Mitaka, Japan.

IAU OAO collaborations include:

IAU Commission C2
Communicating Astronomy with the Public

Stars Shine for Everyone (SSVI)
Telescopes for All

Bresser Corporation
Telescopes for All

Leiden University
Telescopes for All / Science and Society

National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT)
NARIT-NAOJ/IAU Astronomy Outreach Trainee Programme

SKA Organisation
NOCs Funding Scheme 2020-2021

Dark Skies For All

International Association of Physics Students
Conferences; Diversity, equity and inclusion

Past Projects and Events


One Family, One Telescope | Kaifu-NAOJ Telescope Kit


IAU100 Inspiring Stars Exhibit

e-Light Pollution Photo Exhibition

IAU Symposium 358 “Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion”

CAP2018 Conference

IAU XXXth General Assembly Focus Meeting 14