From the course: Android Development Tips

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Create adaptive launcher icons

Create adaptive launcher icons - Android Tutorial

From the course: Android Development Tips

Create adaptive launcher icons


- [Instructor] Android Eight Oreo introduced the concept of an adaptive launcher icon, an icon that can have a different appearance on various distributions of android and specifically on different launchers. All Android launchers are not equal. The Pixel launcher for example prefers icons that are round while the older Nexus launcher likes to present icons that have unique outlines and Samsung launchers have a completely different set of rules. Some launchers like square icons, other rounded squares and so forth. The adaptive icon architecture solves this issue by delivering an adaptive icon for newer versions of Android and legacy graphics for use by older versions and Android Studio 3.0 includes the tools you need to create these icons for you. In this version of my application under resources, under the mipmap directory, I see that there are two versions of the launcher. Ic_launcher.png has a unique outline, while ic_launcher_round.png has a round outline. It's up to the launcher,…
