From the course: Archicad: Architectural Design Techniques

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Story Settings

Story Settings


- [Instructor] ArchiCAD story settings create a vertical division of heights in the 3D model. In this video, we'll use the story settings to interactively manipulate the height of existing and proposed modeled elements. Our story settings can be edited from the project map, found in the navigator on the right-hand side of the page. In this instance, we've already set up this project file with four stories in order to explain their function. To access these stories and understand their settings, we'll right click on any of them, but we'll right click on the bottom one and then select story settings. To understand how these interact in more detail, we will delete the first three or the top three stories, roof, first floor and ground, delete stories, so we're only left with the terrain. Now, before we move on, we'll press OK to see what archiCAD responds with. ArchiCAD gives us a warning that deleting stories can be a big…
