From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Adding background styles

Project: Adding background styles - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Adding background styles


(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this project exercise, we'll be adding the background image to the homepage and some background styles to the footer as well. Although the Resume page also uses a background image, this style will require learning about a few more concepts to add the image only to the top, so we'll just leave this for now. Let's move back to the editor and add some CSS. Since we'll be adding just the background image to the homepage, let's go under the homepage comment block, and start by adding the selector, .home, and the curly brackets. Then we'll add the shorthand background property to apply the image to the body element on the homepage only. Add a colon, and then we'll use the URL function value to add the path to the image. To determine the file path, we need to start with the location of the CSS file. It's currently located within a CSS folder. So the path will actually start with .., which…
