From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics


- [Instructor] When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge has to decide what the appropriate response is and how that might help bring about positive outcomes. One interesting thing that can contribute to that is what's called restorative justice. This is a form of justice that focuses on repair to the harm done as opposed to punishment. And it often involves, at the judge's discretion and the victim's desire, mediation between the victim and the offender. Now, one of the interesting things about this is it's a pretty easy procedure, and it has some very significant outcomes. Participating in restorative justice predicts improved outcomes on all of the following. People feel that they were able to tell their story and that their opinion was considered. They feel that the process or outcome was fair. They feel that the judge or mediator was fair. They feel that the offender was held accountable. An apology or…
