From the course: .NET MAUI Essential Training

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Data binding basics

Data binding basics


- [Instructor] I close my new staggered interval. Go back over here and we'll look at our regular intervals. This is where we want to have a list of regular intervals we've created and I want to go back and talk about data binding and really more specifically binding of our view model or code objects to our view. And we saw this here on line 11, where we had a button to add a new interval and we used this binding markup syntax. So we set the command for the button, the command that should be executed, I want to get by binding to whatever the object is for this view and the property called add interval command. So if you remember we went down here to our regular intervals model. This is the class and here's the property on line 36 for add interval command. So we're binding that particular property of the element the command, to this, property of the object. And of course you remember that we created that object by…
