From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Setting norms

Setting norms


- Have you heard about the concept of artificial harmony? This is something Patrick Lencioni writes about in his book, "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team." It's the idea that some teams appear as if they get along and all agree, but underneath the surface, there are simmering tensions, unvoiced opinions, and maybe even resentments. In case this isn't clear, this is something you want to avoid on your team, and one of the best ways to do that is to set norms for how you expect people to handle conflicts and interact with one another. Too often we assume that people know how we expect them to behave, but given that team members all have diverse life, professional, and cultural experiences, there are going to be differences. To create an environment for productive conflict, here are a few norms that you can introduce to your team. We communicate openly and say what we mean, and mean what we say. This makes it clear that…
