From the course: MicroStation 3D Essential Training

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Linear dimensions

Linear dimensions


- Now that we have the views placed, we'll go ahead and place our linear dimensions. So we may have to move the views slightly to allow for the space needed for the dimensions but we'll deal with that when the time comes. So I'm going to start with the front view. And we already have our dimension styles created but I'm going to check to make sure so I'll go to element dimension styles, this'll open up the dimension styles dialog, so we have the four styles that we need, the two place and the three place dimensions. Let's go ahead and close that, we'll go to linear dimensioning. And then for this front view, we'll change the alignment back to view, so that aligns the dimension line to the view. And then we'll keep location manual turned on. And then I'll go ahead and switch over to two place inside arrows, oh and then one other thing we need to change the text style because I had the underline option turned on and then also we'll switch back over to the dimension layer and make sure…
