From the course: Small Business Marketing

Planning for SEO

From the course: Small Business Marketing

Planning for SEO


- Have you seen Star Wars? Then you understand that jedis train relentlessly to master the Force. And in some ways, search engine optimization, or SEO, can feel a lot like trying to figure out this intangible force. Without guidance, it can feel impossible or overwhelming. And even when you start to make progress, you'll feel as if you've got little to no control over the outcome. Now, I don't want you to be misinformed. SEO is a complicated topic that evolves quickly and comes with fierce competition. SEO is all about how visible your website is in a search engine's organic results. And because Google drives a mind boggling amount of traffic each day, it's in your best interest to rank well for relevant terms. But ranking well takes a lot of time and effort. It's really easy to look at Google and see dollar signs if you could just get your hands on all of that traffic. But it's not going to happen overnight. You modify your site's technical set-up, make changes to the content on the page, all in an effort to improve rank. So, as you look to invest in SEO, you must approach it with a long-term mindset. Invest now to see rewards later. To pull it off, you're going to need to train to be a jedi or you need to find a really great jedi to help. Partner with the wrong person and you'll have a huge setback, because SEO takes a lot of time and money. The wrong partner will be costly. As a small business, you need to seriously evaluate the timing for investing in SEO. For some business models, you need to jump on it. For others, you can hold off until you're ready to make the capital investment. SEO is powerful. But don't feel like it has to be part of your strategy yet. There are a ton of great resources on SEO right here, so, I encourage you to do your research.
