From the course: Windows 11 Essential Training

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Update Windows 11

Update Windows 11


- [Instructor] Let's take a look at updating. Microsoft is constantly fixing issues and making improvements to Windows and making those changes available as free updates. To see your update options, you should go to the start menu and open settings. Then on the left, go to the category four Windows update. Now this may show a list of available updates that have not yet been installed. You can also click this button here to check for updates. And if there are new updates available, they will either start downloading immediately or you may need to click a button to start the installation. Now the updates you see here will generally be fairly small updates and security patches but you may also see larger feature updates which make more significant changes to your system. Microsoft generally releases one major feature update per year. If one of those is available, it will appear as a separate item on this page and it will not install automatically. You will need to choose to install…
