From the course: WordPress Essential Training (2023)

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White screen of death

White screen of death


- [Educator] While WordPress is widely accessible and very beginner-friendly, you might hit some snags along the way. But don't freak out. For pretty much any problem you hit with WordPress, you'll find a solution. The White Screen of Death is the fond name that the WordPress community has given to one of the scariest errors that you can encounter. Go to your site and the entire screen is blank. It's one of the most common errors that new WordPress users will face once they start changing things. So let's review how it happens and how to get your site back up and running as quickly as possible. The White Screen of Death usually means that a script, meaning a set of code that makes something happen, on your website overloaded the available memory limit or the script failed, couldn't recover after the error, and terminated the script from continuing to run. This may be the result of a PHP error or a theme or plugin…
