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What we’re about

                                    WELCOME TO KNOWLEDGE FOR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS

We encourage you to be an action taker. The purpose for our meetups is to provide you with the tools to live a better more successful life. We future interesting topics that are all about successful living. This is done through the increase of knowledge.  It's with New Knowledge that you handle any state of confusion (problem) Very quickly one will notice a marked increase in the ability of you to survive at higher levels. 

Your ability to handle life's problems and increase clear rational thinking will empower you to create a new life. The one you planned on having in the first place.

It's, after all, a person's knowledge and experiences that influence their mental state.

It's one mental state that will serve you or handicap your day to day business of living life well.

There is always a higher level to reach; life is not about reaching a destination of mediocrity or amateurism. 

A life worth living and filled with success (Happiness) is about striving to be a better and improved person than you were yesterday and unfortunately this journey never ends.

We are a very active group and we will be regularly posting new meet-ups. 

No matter what the problem is something can be done about it. 

Happy (successful) people control life, they do not allow life to control them.

ALL things are attainable by anyone who chooses to increase knowledge.  

By attending one or more of our meetups you will have the opportunity to experience extraordinary growth in your life skills, mental strength, personal development, business and leadership, family & relationships, health & fitness and spirituality. 

Successful living starts (or is enhanced) here.

We now have some 27 meetup organizers who may invite you.

Meetups are held all around town by a diverse group of organizers including at the Life Improvement Centre located within the Church of Scientology. 

Join this meetup group  

Know yourself, Know Life

Upcoming events (4+)

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