The tiled layout shows up to four participants on the screen to make your meetings feel more inclusive. This will be the default for smaller meetings when there is no presentation.

Side by side 
The side by side layout shows up to three speakers in a larger format next to the presentation. This allows you to continue to see the presenter as they speak. This is the default when there’s a presentation and there are active speakers with video on.

The sidebar layout improves on the existing Meet layout by showing several additional participants in the same vertical space and using rectangular feeds to avoid participants on the edge being cropped out. This will be the default for larger meetings when there is no presentation.

In addition to seeing these layouts automatically used depending on the meeting needs, users can select a preferred layout from the Change layout dialog.

Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use it 

These new layouts provide the user with a more inclusive and collaborative view of the meeting, allowing for easier interaction with remote participants while still maintaining focus on the content being presented.

How to get started 

  • Admins: No action required. 
  • End users: You’ll see the new layouts in your next Hangouts Meet meeting once the feature has rolled out to you. 

Additional details 

The new layouts are available on Hangouts Meet web clients and Hangouts Meet hardware.

Helpful links 

To learn more about layouts in Hangout Meets, see our Help Center. 


Rollout details 

  • Rapid Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on April 30, 2019 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting no earlier than May 14, 2019. 

G Suite editions 

  • Available to all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 

  • The new layouts are replacing the existing layout and will be enabled by default. 

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This was incorrect — file paths must be renamed to "Shared drives". 

What’s changing 

The “Team Drives” feature of Google Drive will be renamed to “shared drives.” This will impact: 

  • Drive on web and mobile: Timing may vary depending on the specific platform. See below for more info.
  • Drive File Stream: Beginning on May 31, 2019, with the Drive File Stream version 31 release, “Team Drives” will be renamed to “shared drives” in the Drive File Stream navigation. This may require you to update settings on your devices (see below for more info). 

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why it’s changing 

This change will not impact Team Drives functionality; it is simply a name change. Our users have told us that they use Team Drives for a lot more than sharing within teams, so “shared drives” makes it easier to understand how you could use them.

How to get started 

  • Admins: If your organization currently relies on file paths of content linked from Drive File Stream—like shortcuts, scripts, etc.—you will need to update your file paths to “Shared drives” as soon as possible after May 31, 2019 to avoid broken paths. 
  • End users: In Google Drive, in the left hand side panel, “Team Drives” will be renamed to “Shared drives.” Any desktop shortcuts that link to content inside of shared drives will need to be updated.

Additional details 

On mobile, Android users will see this change beginning on May 28, 2019. iOS users will see this change beginning on May 21, 2019. See below for rollout details for Drive for web.


Rollout details 
  • Rapid Release domains: Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on June 3, 2019 for Drive on the web. 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on June 19, 2019 for Drive on the web. 

G Suite editions 

  • This change will impact all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be ON by default. All features will stay the same, only now references to Team Drives will read as “shared drives” across Drive File Stream, and Drive for web and mobile.

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Right click on Docs, Sheets, and Slides files from within Google Drive to make those files available offline.

You can preview which files are available offline using the Offline preview mode

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users.

Why you’d use it 

We know it’s important for users to access and work on their files while traveling or when there’s low connectivity. With offline mode, it’s now possible to create, edit, and comment on Docs, Sheets, or Slides files. Any changes made to files while offline will then sync in Drive once the user is connected again.

How to get started 

Additional details 

To make files available offline in Google Drive, right click on any file and toggle Available offline from the menu while connected.

When offline access is enabled, Google Drive also automatically and intelligently makes a certain number of Google Docs/Sheets/Slides files available offline based on how recently you accessed them. You can preview which files are already available offline automatically using the offline preview mode. You can also mark a file available offline, so that it always remains available offline, while in offline preview mode, as long as you are connected.

The Google Docs Offline extension, which is made available by default to all Chrome users, is still required.

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
On/off by default? 
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Dropbox sharing modal overlaid on Slides presentation 

We hope this feature will streamline workflows by reducing the time spent switching between multiple tools helping you use data more effectively.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Dropbox users on desktop, web, and mobile can view, comment, search, move, copy, and delete files. Note that mobile users will not be able to edit files.

Helpful links 

For more details and how to apply for the beta, see here.


G Suite editions 

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Email notification options for more alerts 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default?
These features will be ON by default.

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Rollout details

G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 

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Enhanced pivot table insertion 

Copy and paste images into Sheets 
Formula backed charts inserted from Answers

Helpful links 

To learn more about charts and graphs in Sheets, see here. 
To learn about adding and editing a chart or graph, see here. 
To learn about adding an image to a spreadsheet, see here. 
To learn about creating and using a pivot table in Sheets, see here. 
To learn about editing and formatting a spreadsheet, see here.


Rollout details
G Suite editions
On/off by default? 
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Who’s impacted

End users

Why you’d use it

People-first scheduling makes it quick and easy to find time with others. You can add rooms, a location, a video conference and add a meeting description without having to click into “More options.”

How to get started

Helpful links

Help Center: Create an event


Rollout details

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

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Search for files located in a Team Drive 

People can search for My Drive files by owner, but Team Drive files are owned by the team. This makes them harder to search for. Now, you can search by “creator” for files located in a Team Drive. 

Often you remember the name of the person that created the content, instead of where it might be located. Search by “creator” will fulfill this need. To learn more about finding files in Google Drive, see here.

Helpful links 

To learn more about finding files in Google Drive, see here.
To learn more about sharing files with Team Drives, see here.
To learn more about Team Drives limits, see here.
To learn more about known issues with Team Drives, see here.


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
On/off by default? 

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Note: These changes will only apply to the current theme and will not create a new theme.

We hope this new feature will help you customize your presentations in Slides, especially when it comes to incorporating your company’s brand colors.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 

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Quick Launch Summary 

We’re introducing two new features to the Activity dashboard in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides:

Sharing history
Sharing history provides users with granular visibility into how your document is being shared with others across your organization and elsewhere. You’ll now see who shared access with who and what level editing access they’ve been granted.

Comment trend 
Comment trend will help users visualize the conversations in a particular document, showing the number of comments, suggestions, and replies created per day. A graph will display the number of new comment threads, replies, and unresolved comments over the lifetime of a document.

These updates add more context to the Activity dashboard, a feature we launched last year to help users see who’s viewed a particular document and viewer trends. These additions will further flesh out the Activity dashboard, making it a centralized hub where document owners and editors can see how other collaborators are engaging with their content.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
On/off by default? 

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Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

By highlighting apps that have been assessed to meet certain security standards, we hope it will be easier for you to find apps that may meet your specific organizational policies. This means you can more quickly identify and assess apps that you can whitelist for your users to help them be productive.

How to get started 

Helpful links 


We’re opening the program for developer submissions now. Monitor the G Suite Updates blog for more details on the program. Find out more about the security assessment program here.

The “Security Assessment” badge will indicate apps that have passed the assessment

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Rollout details

G Suite editions

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Last year we announced a new feature that gives users quick access to Calendar, Hangouts, and Keep from an embedded side panel in G Suite. Today we’re announcing that the side panel is now open for third-party developers.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

Add-ons help you complete tasks directly from the G Suite app you're using, rather than needing to toggle from one app to another.

G Suite Add-ons also surface relevant information and suggest actions based on what you’re working on. For example, a salesperson can find customer info from their CRM tool while drafting a strategy in Docs, an engineer can add tasks to their project management app directly from Gmail, and a recruiter can consult their hiring pipeline while scheduling interviews in Calendar. Once enrolled in the beta, users in the domain will have access to new add-ons from Copper, Box, Workfront, Asana, Evernote, and Cisco, among others.

How to get started

Helpful links


G Suite editions

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Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

At G Suite, we work hard to earn and maintain trust with our customers. Access Transparency supports this commitment to customer trust by giving you fine grained logs of actions taken by Google staff and the reason for each access, including references to specific support tickets where relevant.

Access Transparency may help you:

How to get started 

A Sample view of the new report for G Suite Access Transparency 

Additional details 

Access Transparency will allow admins to:

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

On/off by default?

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Who’s impacted

End users

Why you’d use it

Live captions help make your meetings more accessible by reducing barriers to holding meetings between users of different hearing abilities, regardless of whether they are participating remotely or in person.

How to get started

Additional details

Live captions is available across different Hangouts Meet-compatible platforms, such as on the web, devices with a Mimo touchscreen, Chromebox for meetings with the remote, and on Chromebase for meetings touchscreen devices.

When you turn on captions, they will be visible on that particular device. In order for other participants in the meeting to see captions, they’ll have to turn it on for their devices as well.

Currently, live captions is only available in English. Additionally, captions will not appear in a recording of a meeting.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

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What’s changing 

Google Voice is now generally available as an add-on to G Suite. Voice for G Suite is a cloud-based phone system that’s optimized for businesses of all sizes. G Suite customers can use it to deploy and manage phone numbers at scale with the intelligence and security of Google Cloud. Google Voice offers:

  • Smart cloud telephony for end users 
  • Simple provisioning and management for admins 
  • Easy adoption and migration at scale 

Google Voice is available to all G Suite customers through an additional licence. Find more information about Google Voice availability and pricing here.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

Google Voice integrates with Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet to provide a complete solution for communication with colleagues, customers, and partners from anywhere at any time. Specifically, Google Voice adds:

Smart cloud telephony for end users 

  • Get a phone number that works from anywhere, on any device, so you can place and receive calls wherever you’re doing work. 
  • Use intelligent capabilities to transcribe voicemails and block spam calls to help minimize unwanted distractions. 
  • Increase efficiency through integrations with other G Suite products, like Calendar, Contacts, Hangouts Chat, and Hangouts Meet. 

Simple management for admins 

  • Use one place - the Admin console - to manage Voice global users, numbers, porting, and billing. 
  • Set up new phone numbers as easily as adding a user to G Suite. 
  • Easily provision and deploy via simple administration tools 

Scalable adoption and migration 

  • Migrate smoothly with integrated number porting to help prevent interruption of key business processes. 
  • Leverage Google’s text-to-speech technology to automatically create call menus in nine languages to manage and route callers without worrying about recordings or translations. 
  • Give users permission to choose a number and set up their service independently without admin involvement. 

How to get started 


Google Voice is available to all G Suite customers through an additional licence. Find more information about Google Voice availability and pricing here.

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