From the course: Executive Presence: Tips for Women

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Acting decisively

Acting decisively


- Have you ever been stuck in a group conversation where people go on and on about where to eat for dinner? It's a small, even trivial decision, and yet the conversation feels like it's never going to end. This same indecision happens all the time in the workplace, but the truth is, indecision weighs you down. It slows what you can achieve. Now even though this is normal, women who reach the executive level are decisive. If your goal is to step up and lead, it's time to make that a reality. Let's get into the four ways you can become more decisive. First off, start small. Practice making small decisions in your life with some constraints. For instance, decide in 40 seconds how you'll organize your morning, then follow through. By repeating this in small, time-limited ways and following through with your decisions, you'll build your comfort for making bigger ones. Then you can check your decision against your vision.…
