From the course: Executive Presence: Tips for Women

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Powerful body language

Powerful body language


- While words mean a lot, so often it's what you don't say that counts. Think about it. If I were to talk to you right now like this, what would you think? You'd probably think I'm not very confident, or don't know what I'm talking about. But how about if instead, I talk to you like this? Notice that immediately I have more presence and look in control. Let's go over five body language techniques that can help you play big, and project confidence with your body, like I'm doing right now. First, make an entrance. This sends a signal that you fully belong there, and that you're ready to participate. Make it a point to collect yourself before you walk in. Then glide into the meeting room, taking long strides with your shoulders back. That way you don't shuffle in flustered. For example, with papers amuck, feeling a mess. Remember, people's impressions of you are forming the minute you walk in. Two. Big up.…
