From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Configure project-based permissions

Configure project-based permissions - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Configure project-based permissions


- [Instructor] In the previous lesson, we discussed how to set up a matrix-based authorization strategy. With this approach, permissions are applied globally. So the permissions given to a user in a matrix will apply to all jobs. But there may be a case where we want to limit the jobs in folders a user has access to. We can accomplish that with a project-based authorization strategy. Configuring project-based authorization is done the same way as configuring matrix-based authorization but once project-based permissions are enabled, each project and even folders can be configured with their own permissions. Let's see how this works in an example. I'm logged into my Jenkins server and I've already opened the Configure Global Security menu. I want to switch from matrix-based security to project-based security. And the easy part is just clicking this radio button here next to Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy.…
