From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Create a declarative pipeline

Create a declarative pipeline - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Create a declarative pipeline


- [Instructor] Now that you've seen a Jenkins pipeline, let's go over the pipeline syntax and the parts of a pipeline, specifically stages and steps. Jenkins supports two pipeline formats, scripted and declarative. Scripted pipelines start with the word node. Declarative pipelines start with the word pipeline. Both are followed by curly braces that contain instructions for Jenkins to run. Scripted pipelines use a domain-specific language or DSL based on Groovy, which is a scripting language for the Java virtual machine. Declarative pipelines are an evolution of DSL pipelines. The declarative syntax was developed to more easily capture the complete configuration of a project as code. For the rest of this course, we'll be using the declarative format. A declarative pipeline configuration has three required sections, an agent section, a stages section. And inside the stages section, we're required to have at least one…
