From the course: Learning Formit Pro

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Dynamo plugins

Dynamo plugins


- [Instructor] I want to show that with some of the add-ins that are available, this Plugin Manager for example. If I look at that these plugins, which is this here, are, you know, different things that you can do. I'm going to look at the one that's called Extract Material Maps so that I can fix image files in something like Paint or other products. You may not get, if you get your model from someone else for example, if I could to here, Materials, the actual materials you might be missing the bitmap that they were created from. But this would let you work with other products to fix the issue. So the example that I want to show here is I'm going to go to the floor that I've got. If I click on that to open a group, I had the setting as Show Edited Group Only, I've got a material on there. What I'm going to do is make a material. So I'm going to say new material that uses say this bitmap image, and…
