From the course: Learning Formit Pro

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The grid and the axis

The grid and the axis - Formit Pro Tutorial

From the course: Learning Formit Pro

The grid and the axis


- [Instructor] The idea here is to explain how the grid works in format, and how the axis works in format. The axis being really, like, world coordinate system, where it's sitting at zero, zero, zero inside your model, and, it's got a red, green, and blue, or, an X, Y, and a Z axis that you can use for drafting purposes. You can be aligned with each of those axis as you work. So, what I want to show first of all, is, under the settings, and you've got this option Snap to Grid, that would mean in the first key SG, I'm going to switch it off, and , you'll see that if I'm drawing something here, if I pick any drafting command, I'm not picking somewhere clear off the grid, so you see I'm not connecting to the grid, or I do get the inference for drafting at right angles to whatever I'm creating. If I delete that, if I were to type in "SG snap grid", then when I'm drawing, then what you'll see is that I can snap to any point…
