From the course: PLC: Industrial Sensors

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Introduction to pressure sensors

Introduction to pressure sensors - Ladder Logic Tutorial

From the course: PLC: Industrial Sensors

Introduction to pressure sensors


- [Instructor] A pressure sensor is a device that's used to measure the pressure of gas, steam, or liquid, and convert the value into an electrical signal to send it to a PLC controller. Here are a couple of examples of pressure sensors. Usually, they are cold pressure transmitters because they have transmitter attached to them. In general, the sensor consists of a sensing area and a transmitter part. The sensing area measures the pressure force applied to it. The force deflects an internal diaphragm inside the sensing area. The deflection is measured and converted into an electrical output by the transmitter. The conversion of the deflection into electrical signals is based on one of the following principles, a change in resistance, capacitance, or piezoelectric, each is used for certain application. The sensing principle is usually mentioned in the data sheet. The output of pressure transmitter is either in volts or…
