From the course: PLC: Industrial Sensors

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What is a level sensor?

What is a level sensor?


- Level of sensors are common devices used specifically in fluid and chemical control systems. There are different types of level sensors, usually referred to as level transmitter. Level sensors are used to determine the level of liquid or granule materials inside a tank or container, then transfer status or data to a PLC. The output of level sensors are digital or analog values between four to 20 milliamps connected to an input module. This represents zero to a hundred percent off the level measured. One of the categories for level sensors is contact and non-contact. The difference is whether or not the sensor reaches the material. Examples of contact level sensors, float, and capacitive level sensors. Examples of non-contact level sensors, ultrasonic and radar level sensors. Here you see a demonstration of the different types of level of measurement, contact and non-contact. Each type works according to a different…
