Toukiden Wiki
Wow, that's a big one. — Spider Web Woman
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Chapter 1[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C1-M1 Defense of Utakata Age of Grace 60 Haku120 Defend Utakata Village. Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto no Yorimitsu (Pale Imp)
C1-M2 Floating Skulls Age of Grace 60 Haku180 Slay 10 Blazing Souls.
C1-M3 Slow but Steady Age of Grace 60 Haku210 Slay 3 Drumbles.
C1-M4 Red Zone Rescue - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku300 Secure 3 red zones. Obtainable Mitama: Ō no Yasumaro (Blitzer)
C1-M5 Reconnaissance - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku150 Find 5 prayer stones. Use the Eye of Truth.
C1-M6 Purple Invaders Age of Grace 60 Haku240 Secure 2 red zones.
C1-M7 Slay the Manhunter! Age of Grace 60 Haku600 Slay 1 Manhunter. Obtainable Mitama: Abe no Seimei (Manhunter)

Chapter 2[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C2-M1 Ups & Downs Age of Honor 60 Haku300 Slay 10 Aurwings.
C2-M2 Defensive Mission - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku300 Defeat the Oni horde.
C2-M3 Hunting with the Wind Age of Honor 60 Haku720 Defeat the Oni horde.
(Slay 1 Windshredder.)
Obtainable Mitama: Lady Tokiwa (Pale Aurwing)
Taira no Kiyomori (Windshredder)
C2-M4 Dragons of the Earth Age of Grace 60 Haku360 Slay 5 Earthfangs.
C2-M5 Turtle Soup Age of Honor 60 Haku450 Slay 5 Rockshells.
C2-M6 Decoy Mission - Part 1 Age of Grace 60 Haku810 Slay 1 Manhunter.
C2-M7 Decoy Mission - Part 2 Age of Honor 60 Haku840 Slay 1 Windshredder.
C2-M8 Decoy Mission - Part 3 Age of War 60 Haku900 Slay 1 Jollux. Obtainable Mitama: Takeda Shingen (Jollux)
C2-M9 Red-Hooked Executioner Age of War 60 Haku450 Slay 5 Sickleclaws.
C2-M10 Manhunter Hunt Age of Grace 60 Haku600 Slay 1 Manhunter.
C2-M11 Windshredder Hunt Age of Honor 60 Haku840 Slay 1 Windshredder.
C2-M12 Red Zone Rescue - War Age of War 60 Haku900 Secure 3 red zones.
C2-M13 Jollux Hunt Age of War 60 Haku960 Slay 1 Jollux.
C2-M14 Night of 100 Demons Age of War 5 Haku360 Slay 100 Imps. *Oni remains will disappear immediately.
C2-M15 Last Line of Defense Age of Grace 60 Haku750 Slay 1 Manhunter. Solo mission.

Chapter 3[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C3-M1 Spiders of Dannoura Age of Honor 60 Haku840 Secure 3 red zones.
C3-M2 A Sudden Gust of Wind Age of Grace 60 Haku960 Slay 1 Windshredder.
C3-M3 The Chimera of the Night Age of Peace 60 Haku660 Slay 5 Howlers.
C3-M4 Rescue the Scouts Age of War 60 Haku720 Defeat the Oni horde.
C3-M5 Crimson Wings of Fire Age of Peace 60 Haku1050 Slay 1 Pyropteryx. Obtainable Mitama: Amakusa Shirō (Pyropteryx)
Yoshino Dayū (Pale Imp)
C3-M6 Miracle Grass Age of Honor 60 Haku990 Secure 2 red zones. A Jollux will also appear in zone 4.
C3-M7 Battles Wihout Barriers Age of Peace 60 Haku1200 Defend Utakata Village.
C3-M8 Slay the Evil Tengu Age of Chaos 60 Haku750 Slay 5 Razortalons.
C3-M9 Winds on the Battlefield Age of War 60 Haku960 Slay 1 Windshredder.
C3-M10 Devourer of Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku1020 Slay 1 Jollux.
C3-M11 Pyropteryx Hunt Age of Peace 60 Haku1080 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
C3-M12 Swimming in the Snow Age of Chaos 60 Haku1200 Slay 1 Terragrinder. Obtainable Mitama: Sakamoto Ryōma (Terragrinder)
C3-M13 The Spider's Web Age of Honor 60 Haku1320 Slay 2 Manhunters.
C3-M14 Earthfang Elimination Age of Peace 7 Haku600 Slay 100 Earthfangs. *Oni remains will disappear immediately.
C3-M15 Oni of the Elements Age of Grace 40 Haku1500 Slay 1 Harrowhalf. Obtainable Mitama: Taira no Masakado (Harrowhalf)

Chapter 4[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C4-M1 Toads in the Desert Age of Yore 60 Haku810 Slay 5 Thorntongues.
C4-M2 Terragrinder Hunt Age of Chaos 60 Haku1320 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
C4-M3 Out of the Dust Age of Yore 60 Haku1350 Slay 1 Jollux.
C4-M4 Flight of Fury Age of War 60 Haku1500 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
C4-M5 Slay the Evil Tengu Age of Chaos 60 Haku720 Secure 3 red zones.
C4-M6 Armor Busters Age of Yore 60 Haku900 Slay 5 Crawlers.
C4-M7 Attack of the White Spider Age of Grace 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Bloodhunter. Obtainable Mitama: Dōkyō (Bloodhunter)
Minamoto no Hiromasa (Shadow Soul)
C4-M8 Swimming in the Sand Age of Yore 60 Haku1560 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
C4-M9 Defensive Mission - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku2700 Defeat the Oni horde. (Slay 1 Windshredder and 1 Jollux)
C4-M10 The Dilettante Returns Age of Grace 60 Haku1650 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Harrowhalf)
C4-M11 Evanescence Age of Yore 60 Haku2100 Slay 1 Viper Queen. Obtainable Mitama: Himiko (Viper Queen)
C4-M12 Harrowhalf Hunt Age of Grace 60 Haku1650 Slay 1 Harrowhalf. Obtainable Mitama: Yamanoue no Okura (Harrowhalf)
C4-M13 Ebony and Ivory Age of Chaos 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Bloodhunter.
C4-M14 Viper Queen Hunt Age of Yore 60 Haku2100 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
C4-M15 Soaring Blades Age of Peace 60 Haku1800 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
C4-M16 Requiem of the Vagabond Age of Peace 60 Haku2760 Slay 1 Bladewing. Obtainable Mitama: Tokugawa Ieyasu (Bladewing)
C4-M17 Showdown in Hell Age of Honor 60 Haku3000 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.

Chapter 5[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C5-M1 Chaos in Flight Age of Chaos 60 Haku1920 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
C5-M2 Tengu of Destruction Age of Peace 60 Haku2160 Slay 1 Bladewing.
C5-M3 Devourer of Forests Age of Honor 60 Haku2250 Slay 1 Jollux.
C5-M4 Night of 100 Flying Demons Age of Honor 7 Haku900 Slay 100 Dark Aurwings. *Oni remains will disappear immediately.
C5-M5 Evil Gourmand Age of War 60 Haku2580 Slay 1 Edax.
C5-M6 Sandstorm Age of Yore 60 Haku2820 Slay 2 Terragrinders.
C5-M7 Ancient Capital in Ruins Age of Yore 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
C5-M8 Break the Barrier - Part 1 Age of Peace 60 Haku2760 Slay 1 Astrapteryx.
C5-M9 Break the Barrier - Part 2 Age of Grace 60 Haku2610 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
C5-M10 Break the Barrier - Part 3 Age of Peace 60 Haku3600 Slay 2 Viper Queens.
C5-M11 Break the Barrier - Part 4 Age of Honor 60 Haku3300 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.
C5-M12 The Ninja's Beliefs Age of Chaos 60 Haku3900 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
C5-M13 Signs of Disaster - 1 Age of War 60 Haku3600 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.
C5-M14 Signs of Disaster - 2 Age of Yore 60 Haku4200 Slay 1 Windshredder and 1 Skyshredder.
C5-M15 Signs of Disaster - 3 Age of Chaos 60 Haku4320 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
C5-M16 Signs of Disaster - 4 Age of Chaos 60 Haku4500 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder.
C5-M17 Falling Cherry Blossoms Age of Yore 60 Haku4800 Slay 1 Nightblade.
C5-M18 The Awakening Age of War 60 Haku5100 Slay 1 Cimmerian King. Obtainable Mitama: Oda Nobunaga (Cimmerian King)
C5-M19 The King and I Age of War 60 Haku6000 Slay 1 Cimmerian King. Solo mission.

Chapter 6[]

Name Location TimeLimit Reward Objectives Remarks
C6-M1 Purple Invaders Age of Grace 60 Haku2100 Slay 20 Poisonspitters.
C6-M2 Turtle Soup Age of Honor 60 Haku2400 Slay 5 Rockshells.
C6-M3 Red Hooked Executioner Age of War 60 Haku2400 Slay 5 Sickleclaws.
C6-M4 Talons in the Sky Age of Honor 60 Haku4500 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
C6-M5 The Serpent of the Lake Age of Grace 60 Haku6000 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
C6-M6 The Calling of the Sea Age of Honor 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
C6-M7 Twin Storms Age of War 60 Haku7200 Slay 2 Windshredders.
C6-M8 A Malevolent Demon Age of War 60 Haku6300 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
C6-M9 Hungry for Blood Age of Honor 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Jollux.
C6-M10 Slay the Bloodhunter! Age of Grace 60 Haku6000 Slay 1 Bloodhunter.
C6-M11 Dreadhalf Hunt Age of Grace 60 Haku6900 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
C6-M12 Endless Waves Age of Honor 60 Haku7200 Slay 1 Edax.
C6-M13 Dances with Spiders Age of Grace 60 Haku7800 Slay 2 Manhunters and 1 Bloodhunter.
C6-M14 Collossal Coalition Age of Honor 60 Haku8100 Slay 1 Jollux and 1 Harrowhalf.
C6-M15 The Serpetine Princess Age of Grace 60 Haku7500 Slay 1 Venom Queen.
C6-M16 A Chance of Spiders Age of Honor 60 Haku8400 Slay 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Skyshredder. Solo mission.
C6-M17 Serpent Symphony Age of Grace 60 Haku8400 Slay 1 Viper Queen and 1 Venom Queen. Solo mission.

Chapter 7[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C7-M1 The Chimera of the Night Age of Peace 60 Haku3000 Slay 5 Howlers.
C7-M2 Slay the Evil Tengu Age of Chaos 60 Haku3300 Slay 5 Razortalons.
C7-M3 Toads in the Desert Age of Yore 60 Haku3600 Slay 5 Thorntongues.
C7-M4 Great Avalanche Age of Chaos 60 Haku5100 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
C7-M5 The Evil Bird Returns Age of Peace 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
C7-M6 A Shocking Flame Age of Chaos 60 Haku7200 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder.
C7-M7 Attack of the Flying Tengu Age of Grace 60 Haku7500 Slay 1 Bladewing.
C7-M8 Raining Destruction Age of Grace 60 Haku7500 Slay 1 Frostwing.
C7-M9 A Violent Whirlwind Age of War 60 Haku7800 Slay 1 Astrapteryx.
C7-M10 A Sharpened Blade Age of Yore 60 Haku8100 Slay 1 Nightblade.
C7-M11 Frostwing Hunt Age of Honor 60 Haku8100 Slay 1 Frostwing.
C7-M12 From Grace to Ashes Age of Grace 60 Haku8400 Slay 1 Harrowhalf and 1 Dreadhalf.
C7-M13 Demons in the Air Age of Peace 60 Haku9300 Slay 1 Astrapteryx and 1 Frostwing.
C7-M14 A Stout Shield Age of Chaos 60 Haku8700 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
C7-M15 The Ancient Capital Age of Yore 60 Haku9000 Slay 1 Sableblade.
C7-M16 Oni Onslaught (Solo) Age of Honor 60 Haku5400 Defeat the Oni horde. Solo mission.
C7-M17 Four Horsemen Age of Yore 60 Haku9600 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder, 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Skyshredder and 1 Sableblade.
C7-M18 Age of Demons Age of War 60 Haku9999 Slay 1 Dreadhalf, 2 Hell's Wardens and 1 Chthonian Fiend.

Phase 1[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P1-M1 Patrol Duty - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku90 Slay 10 Imps.
P1-M2 Floating Skulls Age of Grace 60 Haku90 Slay 10 Blazing Souls.
P1-M3 Slow but Steady Age of Grace 60 Haku90 Slay 5 Drumbles.
P1-M4 Purple Invaders Age of Grace 60 Haku90 Secured 3 red zones.
P1-M5 Red Zone Rescue - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku180 Secure 3 red zones.
P1-M6 Defensive Mission - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku180 Defeat the Oni horde.
P1-M7 Black Spider Omen Age of Grace 60 Haku270 Slay 1 Manhunter.

Phase 2[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P2-M1 Ups & Downs Age of Honor 60 Haku450 Slay 15 Aurwings.
P2-M2 Dragons of the Earth Age of Grace 60 Haku450 Slay 10 Earthfangs.
P2-M3 Manhunter Hunt Age of Grace 60 Haku450 Slay 1 Manhunter.
P2-M4 Hunting with the Wind Age of Honor 60 Haku630 Slay 1 Windshredder.
P2-M5 Red-Hooked Executioner Age of War 60 Haku450 Slay 10 Sickleclaws.
P2-M6 Turtle Soup Age of Honor 60 Haku540 Slay 10 Rockshells.
P2-M7 Spiders of Dannoura Age of Honor 60 Haku540 Secure 3 red zones.
P2-M8 Windshredder Hunt Age of Honor 60 Haku630 Slay 1 Windshredder.
P2-M9 Defensive Mission - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku540 Defeat the Oni horde.
P2-M10 Defensive Mission - War Age of War 60 Haku540 Defeat the Oni horde.
P2-M11 A Sudden Gust of Wind Age of Grace 60 Haku630 Slay 1 Windshredder.
P2-M12 Arachnid Distraction Age of Honor 5 Haku630 Slay 10 Imps. A Manhunter will also appear nearby.
P2-M13 A Glutonous Appetite Age of War 60 Haku630 Slay 1 Jollux.

Phase 3[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P3-M1 The Chimera of the Night Age of Peace 60 Haku570 Slay 15 Howlers
P3-M2 Jollux Hunt Age of War 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Jollux.
P3-M3 Red Zone Rescue - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku930 Secure 4 red zones. A Windshredder will also appear in zone 3.
P3-M4 Crimson Wings of Fire Age of Peace 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
P3-M5 Slay the Evil Tengu Age of Chaos 60 Haku750 Slay 5 Razortalons.
P3-M6 Devourer of Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Jollux.
P3-M7 Pyropteryx Hunt Age of Peace 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
P3-M8 The Spider's Web Age of Honor 60 Haku930 Slay 2 Manhunters.
P3-M9 Swimming in the Snow Age of Chaos 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
P3-M10 Night Terrors Age of Peace 60 Haku750 Slay 1 Manhunter.
P3-M11 Red Zone Rescue - War Age of War 60 Haku930 Secure 5 red zones. A Windshredder will appear in zone 1 and a Manhunter will appear in zone 5.
P3-M12 Howling Blizzard Age of Chaos 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Windshredder.
P3-M13 Earthfang Elimination Age of War 10 Haku570 Slay 100 Earthfangs. *Oni remains will disappear immediately.
P3-M14 Terragrinder Hunt Age of Chaos 60 Haku630 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
P3-M15 Oni of the Elements Age of Grace 60 Haku930 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.

Phase 4[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P4-M1 Toads in the Desert Age of Yore 60 Haku1200 Slay 10 Thorntongues.
P4-M2 Armor Busters Age of Yore 60 Haku1200 Slay 10 Crawlers.
P4-M3 Flight of Fury Age of War 60 Haku1410 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
P4-M4 Harrowhalf Hunt Age of Grace 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
P4-M5 Bite of the Water Snake Age of Yore 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
P4-M6 Attack of the Tengu Age of Chaos 60 Haku1200 Secure 3 red zones. Obtainable Mitama: Takahashi Deishū (Goldentalon)
P4-M7 Defensive Mission - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku1620 Defeat the Oni horde.
P4-M8 Swimming in the Sand Age of Yore 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
P4-M9 Viper Queen Hunt Age of Yore 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
P4-M10 Tengu of Destruction Age of Peace 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Bladewing. Obtainable Mitama: Tokugawa Ieyasu (Bladewing)
P4-M11 Red Zone Rescue - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku1410 Secure 2 red zones. (Slay 1 Pyropteryx)
P4-M12 Attack of the White Spider Age of Honor 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Bloodhunter.
P4-M13 Bladewing Hunt Age of Peace 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Bladewing.
P4-M14 Evil Gourmand Age of Honor 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Edax.
P4-M15 Ancient Capital in Ruins Age of Yore 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
P4-M16 Soaring Blades Age of War 60 Haku1410 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
P4-M17 Ebony and Ivory Age of Chaos 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Bloodhunter.
P4-M18 Infernal Demon Age of Honor 60 Haku1620 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend. Obtainable Mitama: Benkei (Chthonian Fiend)

Phase 5[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P5-M1 Red Zone Rescue - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku2100 Secure 3 red zones.
P5-M2 Serpentine Sisters Age of Peace 60 Haku2400 Slay 2 Viper Queens.
P5-M3 Chthonian Fiend Hunt Age of Honor 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P5-M4 Wings of Destruction Age of Chaos 60 Haku2100 Slay 1 Astrapteryx.
P5-M5 Ruler of the Ridge Age of Chaos 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P5-M6 Demon Rush Age of War 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P5-M7 Tigers of the Wind and Sky Age of Yore 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Windshredder and 1 Skyshredder.
P5-M8 Hell's Warden Hunt Age of Chaos 60 Haku2100 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P5-M9 Submerged Flames Age of Chaos 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder.
P5-M10 Man-Eating Fiend Age of Yore 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Nightblade. Obtainable Mitama: Prince Shōtoku (Nightblade)
P5-M11 Attack of the Giant Turtle Age of War 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P5-M12 A Tale of Three Spiders Age of Yore 60 Haku2100 Slay 2 Manhunters and 1 Bloodhunter.
P5-M13 Night of 100 Flying Demons Age of Peace 10 Haku1800 Slay 100 Dark Aurwings.
P5-M14 Attack of the Giant Tengu Age of Grace 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Bladewing.
P5-M15 Scorching Sandstorm Age of Yore 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Terragrinder and 1 Pyrogrinder.
P5-M16 Nightblade Hunt Age of Yore 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Nightblade.
P5-M17 A Malevolent Demon Age of War 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Dreadhalf. Obtainable Mitama: Chacha (Dreadhalf)
Hosokawa Gracia (Dreadhalf)
P5-M18 The Ultimate Oni Age of War 60 Haku2400 Slay 1 Cimmerian King. Obtainable Mitama: Oda Nobunaga (Cimmerian King)

Phase 6[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P6-M1 Purple Invaders Age of Grace 60 Haku3540 Slay 20 Poisonspitters. A Manhunter will also appear nearby.
P6-M2 Turtle Soup Age of Honor 60 Haku3540 Slay 10 Rockshells. A Windshredder will also appear nearby.
P6-M3 Red Hooked Executioner Age of War 60 Haku3540 Slay 10 Sickleclaws. A Jollux will also appear nearby.
P6-M4 Talons in the Sky Age of Honor 60 Haku3540 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
P6-M5 Sleeping Giants Awoken Age of War 60 Haku3120 Slay 40 Drumbles.
P6-M6 Hungry for Blood Age of Honor 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Jollux.
P6-M7 The Calling of the Sea Age of Honor 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
P6-M8 Slay the Bloodhunter! Age of War 60 Haku3540 Slay 1 Bloodhunter.
P6-M9 The Serpentine Princess Age of Grace 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Venom Queen.
P6-M10 Fangs in the Wind Age of Honor 60 Haku3540 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Windshredder.
P6-M11 Journey of the Water Snake Age of War 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
P6-M12 Collossal Coalition Age of Honor 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Jollux and 1 Harrowhalf.
P6-M13 Broad Shoulders Age of War 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
P6-M14 Serpent Symphony Age of Grace 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Viper Queen and 1 Venom Queen.
P6-M15 Spider Eradication Age of Grace 7 Haku3540 Slay 1 Manhunter.
P6-M16 Tiger Hunting Age of Honor 7 Haku3540 Slay 1 Windshredder.
P6-M17 Giant Killing Age of War 7 Haku3540 Slay 1 Jollux.
P6-M18 Raining Destruction Age of Grace 60 Haku3960 Slay 1 Frostwing.

Phase 7[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P7-M1 The Chimera of the Night Age of Peace 60 Haku4680 Slay 10 Howlers. A Pyropteryx will also appear nearby.
P7-M2 Slay the Evil Tengu Age of Chaos 60 Haku4680 Slay 10 Razortalons. A Terragrinder will also appear nearby.
P7-M3 Toads in the Desert Age of Yore 60 Haku4680 Slay 10 Thorntongues. A Viper Queen will also appear nearby.
P7-M4 Night of Evil Age of Peace 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
P7-M5 Venom Queen Hunt Age of Yore 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Venom Queen.
P7-M6 A Sharpened Blade Age of Chaos 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Nightblade.
P7-M7 A Stout Shield Age of Chaos 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P7-M8 The Ancient Capital Age of Yore 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Sableblade.
P7-M9 A Violent Whirlwind Age of War 60 Haku4680 Slay 1 Astrapteryx.
P7-M10 A Shocking Flame Age of Chaos 60 Haku4680 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder.
P7-M11 Frostwing Hunt Age of Grace 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Frostwing.
P7-M12 From Grace to Ashes Age of Grace 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Harrowhalf and 1 Dreadhalf. Obtainable Mitama: Lady Suzuka (Harrowhalf)
Kamo no Tadayuki (Dreadhalf)
P7-M13 Demons in the Air Age of Peace 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Astrapteryx and 1 Frostwing.
P7-M14 Bird Hunting Age of Peace 10 Haku4680 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
P7-M15 Crush and Grind Age of Chaos 12 Haku4680 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
P7-M16 The Queen Must Die Age of Yore 12 Haku4680 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
P7-M17 Black Hawk Down Age of Peace 12 Haku4680 Slay 1 Bladewing.
P7-M18 Fangs of Crimson Age of Chaos 60 Haku5070 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel.

Phase 8[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P8-M1 A Challenge from Hell Age of War 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend. Obtainable Mitama: Hōjō Sōun (Shadow Soul)
Miyamoto Musashi (Chthonian Fiend)
P8-M2 Burning Sun Age of Grace 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
P8-M3 Volcanic Venom Age of Yore 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder and 1 Venom Queen.
P8-M4 Hell's Sentinel Hunt Age of Honor 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel. Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto no Yorimasa (Hell's Sentinel)
P8-M5 Sableblade Hunt Age of Chaos 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Sableblade.
P8-M6 White Fangs Age of Grace 60 Haku6000 Slay 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Skyshredder. Obtainable Mitama: Fujiwara no Hidesato (Bloodhunter)
P8-M7 Beasts of Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku6000 Slay 1 Pyropteryx and 1 Skyshredder.
P8-M8 A Dance Amongst the Flames Age of Chaos 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Terragrinder and 1 Pyrogrinder. Obtainable Mitama: Saigō Takamori (Pyrogrinder)
P8-M9 Between Heaven & Hell Age of Peace 60 Haku6000 Slay 1 Astrapteryx. Obtainable Mitama: Lady Fuse (Astrapteryx)
P8-M10 Battle with the Big Eater Age of Yore 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Jollux. Obtainable Mitama: Susano'o (Jollux)
Nakatomi no Katamari (Umbrapod), Xu Fu (Shadow Soul)
P8-M11 The Tengu's Challenge Age of Honor 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Bladewing. Obtainable Mitama: Nasu no Yoichi (Bladewing)
P8-M12 Tigers That Live in Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku6000 Slay 2 Windshredders and 1 Skyshredder.
P8-M13 The Blade and the Shield Age of War 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Hell's Warden and 1 Nightblade. Obtainable Mitama: Hozoin In'ei (Hell's Warden)
Hattori Hanzō (Nightblade)
P8-M14 Evil of All Stripes Age of Honor 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Bladewing and 1 Edax.
P8-M15 Never Slay Die Age of Grace 12 Haku6000 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
P8-M16 Crack the Shell! Age of Chaos 12 Haku6000 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P8-M17 Red Devil Age of Honor 12 Haku6000 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P8-M18 Oni of the Azure Sky Age of Honor 60 Haku6600 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend. Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto no Yoshitsune (Abyssal Fiend)

Phase 9[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P9-M1 The Giant Snowman Age of Chaos 60 Haku7440 Slay 1 Jollux.
P9-M2 Testudo Age of War 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P9-M3 Dance of the Blue Tengu Age of Honor 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Frostwing.
P9-M4 Abyssal Fiend Hunt Age of Honor 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend.
P9-M5 Poisonous Treads Age of Peace 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Venom Queen.
P9-M6 The Spider's Den Age of War 60 Haku7440 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Bloodhunter)
P9-M7 Torn Skies Age of Grace 60 Haku7440 Slay 1 Skyshredder and 1 Bladewing.
P9-M8 Unrepentant Evil Age of War 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Sableblade.
P9-M9 The Chaos of Times Age of Chaos 60 Haku7440 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend.
P9-M10 Vioent Tremors Age of Yore 60 Haku7440 Slay 1 Terragrinder and 1 Edax.
P9-M11 The Snake and the Bird Age of War 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Venom Queen and 1 Pyropteryx.
P9-M12 Return of the King Age of Chaos 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Cimmerian King. Obtainable Mitama: Lady Atsu (Cimmerian King)
P9-M13 Assembly in the Dark Age of Peace 60 Haku7440 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Viper Queen and 1 Windshredder.
P9-M14 Eight Mighty Arms Age of Yore 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Harrowhalf and 1 Nightblade.
P9-M15 Oni Eradication - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Terragrinder, 1 Pyrogrinder and 1 Hell's Sentinel.
P9-M16 Oni Eradication - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Harrowhalf.
P9-M17 Oni Eradication - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Windshredder, 1 Skyshredder and 1 Abyssal Fiend.
P9-M18 Blade of Darkness Age of Yore 12 Haku7440 Slay 1 Nightblade.
P9-M19 Kingslayer Age of War 15 Haku7440 Slay 1 Cimmerian King.
P9-M20 Red and Blue Friends Age of Honor 60 Haku8160 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Abyssal Fiend.

Phase 10[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P10-M1 Apetite for Destruction Age of Grace 60 Haku8220 Slay 1 Jollux.
P10-M2 Rise of the Crimson Turtle Age of Grace 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel.
P10-M3 The Demon's Pride Age of Chaos 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend.
P10-M4 Loose Ends - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku8820 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Pyropteryx.
P10-M5 Loose Ends - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku9630 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Windshredder and 1 Harrowhalf)
P10-M6 Loose Ends - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku9630 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Hell's Sentinel)
P10-M7 Oni Pursuit - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Jollux and 1 Hell's Warden.
P10-M8 Oni Pursuit - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Sableblade.
P10-M9 Oni Pursuit - War Age of War 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Windshredder and 1 Astrapteryx.
P10-M10 Oni Eradication - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Pyropteryx, 1 Astrapteryx and 1 Bladewing.
P10-M11 Oni Eradication - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Viper Queen, 1 Venom Queen and 1 Nightblade.
P10-M12 Oni Eradication - War Age of War 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Jollux, 1 Edax and 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P10-M13 Creepy Crawlers Age of Grace 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Viper Queen and 1 Venom Queen.
P10-M14 Revenge of the Four Demons Age of Chaos 60 Haku9360 Slay 1 Astrapteryx, 1 Skyshredder, 1 Hell's Sentinel and 1 Sableblade.
P10-M15 Giant Onslaugth Age of Honor 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Edax, 1 Frostwing and 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P10-M16 The True King Awakens Age of War 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Amaranthine King.
P10-M17 Every Oni Has Its Day Age of Yore 30 Haku8820 Slay 1 Blitzer, 1 Frostcrawler, 1 Pale Imp, 1 Soulreaper and 1 Goldentalon
P10-M18 Two Kings Age of War 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Cimmerian King and 1 Amaranthine King.
P10-M19 Demons on Ice Age of Chaos 60 Haku9630 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Terragrinder, 1 Skyshredder and 1 Pyrogrinder.
P10-M20 The Age of Demons Age of War 60 Haku9999 Slay 1 Hell's Warden, 1 Chthonian Fiend, 1 Sableblade, 1 Amaranthine King.

Special missions are available as purchasable DLC, but are included for free in Toukiden: Kiwami.

Special Missions[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
S-M1 Feast of 100 Demons Age of Honor 10 Haku1200 Secure 3 red zones. *Oni remains will disappear immediately.
A Manhunter will also appear in zone 5.
Unlocked after completing Phase 1.
S-M2 Lightning Crashes Age of Chaos 30 Haku1800 Slay 1 Windshredder. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
Unlocked after completing Phase 2.
S-M3 In the Shadows Age of War 30 Haku2700 Defeat the Oni horde. *Many Oni invisible without the Eye of Truth will appear.
A Terragrinder will also appear.
Unlocked after completing Phase 3.
S-M4 Scorching Winds Age of Yore 30 Haku3300 Slay 1 Pyropteryx. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
S-M5 Swift Extermination Age of Grace 10 Haku2400 Secure all red zones.
S-M6 Lion Dance Age of Peace 30 Haku9000 Slay 2 Skyshredders.
S-M7 In the Thick of It Age of Honor 30 Haku5400 Slay 1 Bladewing. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
S-M8 Shock and Awe Age of War 30 Haku8400 Defeat the Oni horde. *The attack strength of small Oni is increased due to surrounding lightning.
A Hell's Warden will also appear.
S-M9 Quadruple Threat Age of Chaos 30 Haku5700 Slay 1 Nightblade. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
S-M10 Dance of 100 Demons Age of Honor 5 Haku2100 Slay 100 Imps. *Attacks are instantly fatal.
S-M11 Grotesque Masquerade Age of Grace 30 Haku4800 Slay 1 Jollux. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
S-M12 Shadow Spiders Age of War 30 Haku6600 Slay 2 Bloodhunters. *Many Oni invisible without the Eye of Truth will appear.
S-M13 The Savage Serpent Age of Chaos 30 Haku3900 Slay 1 Viper Queen. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
*Shadow Oni may appear.
S-M14 Beyond this Realm Age of Yore 15 Haku3000 Defeat the Oni horde. *Shadow Oni may appear.
S-M15 Firefight Age of War 60 Haku8100 Slay 2 Pyrogrinders. *Shadow Oni may appear.
S-M16 Rulers of Heaven and Sea Age of Peace 30 Haku7500 Slay 1 Edax and 1 Astrapteryx. *Shadow Oni may appear.
Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
S-M17 Eradicate Evil - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku9000 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Windshredder and 1 Hell's Sentinel.
S-M18 Eradicate EVil - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku9000 Slay 1 Skyshredder, 1 Windshredder and 1 Abyssal Fiend.
S-M19 Eradicate EVil - War Age of War 60 Haku9300 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Pyrogrinder and 1 Dreadhalf.
S-M20 Eradicate Evil - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku9300 Slay 1 Skyshredder, 1 Terragrinder and 1 Sableblade.
S-M21 Eradicate Evil - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku9600 Slay 1 Venom Queen and 1 Frostwing.
S-M22 Eradicate Evil - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku9600 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Cimmerian King.
S-M23 Lord of the Demons Age of Honor 60 Haku9900 Slay 1 Sableblade, 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Pyrogrinder and 1 Abyssal Fiend.
S-M24 Ultimate Heroes Age of Chaos 60 Haku9900 Slay 1 Frostwing, 2 Bloodhunters and 1 Amaranthine King.

DLC (Soul Sacrifice)[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
S-M25 Hell's Guard Dog Age of Honor 60 Haku7200 Slay 1 Cerberus. Obtainable Mitama: Shunten (Cerberus)
S-M26 Dogs of War Age of Yore 60 Haku9300 Slay 1 Cerberus and 1 Chthonian Fiend.
