From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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FPGA development process overview

FPGA development process overview - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

FPGA development process overview


- [Instructor] Let's get to know the FPGA development process which is usually divided in two parts: implementation and verification. Implementation is the process of moving forward from your abstract design all the way to the final application. This is done by a tool chain of programs that perform a number of steps just like a compiler does. Second is verification which is the necessary process of testing the design in every step of the implementation. And this is, as you may imagine, an iterative process. So let me tell you about the steps involved in the implementation process. The first step is to write the source code which is a description of the hardware under development. There are several levels of abstraction to write this code. For example, your code can specify the connections in your system or the behavior of your system. This code is written in a hardware description language. The two most popular of which are VHDL and Verilog. Once the code is written, it goes through…
