From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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FPGAs are not microcontrollers

FPGAs are not microcontrollers - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

FPGAs are not microcontrollers


- [Instructor] At this point, FPGAs may sound similar to microcontrollers, but it's very important to understand the difference. First, FPGAs are flexible in that they customize their internal connections. On the other hand, microcontrollers can't behave as anything other than microcontrollers. They are application-specific integrated circuits, or ASIC. Next, remember that an FPGA may implement a CPU, so technically, an FPGA can achieve more than a microcontroller. Another key difference is that FPGAs do not execute code, microcontrollers do. And finally, embedded systems were originally based in microcontrollers or microprocessors, and over the years they have evolved to include FPGAs as well.
