From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Inside an FPGA: Interconnects

Inside an FPGA: Interconnects - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

Inside an FPGA: Interconnects


- [Instructor] Let's talk about the programmable interconnects. This is the part of the FPGA that has all the custom connections between logic cells across logic blocks. The interconnects are typically implemented by switch boxes which contain a number of simple semiconductor switches. Each of these switches is either open or closed depending on a logic state in it's input. These open or closed states come from a special memory in the FPGA. This is how a switch box may be implemented. At the left we have six different wires that may be connected between each other in any way. This is possible because there are switch boxes at the intersections. Now looking closer at the switch box, it may contain as many as six switches to route any signal in any direction needed. If you look carefully, you'll see that a single switch box is capable of routing two different signals. For example, one that goes horizontally and one that goes vertically through the switch box. Interconnect seems simple…
