Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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The advantages of iOS Sync for users and administrators include:

  • Manage Google Apps: Set a policy that prompts employees to enroll their device when they log into Google Apps such as Google Drive and Gmail.
  • Configure WiFi networks: Distribute WiFi passwords and certificates to employees so they can easily connect to trusted networks.
  • Support for existing policies: Manage password requirements, data encryption and camera policies, as well as actions like remotely wiping a device, activation approvals and blocking devices.

In addition, customers who are using our existing Google Sync MDM solution now have the option to disable ActiveSync while continuing to manage iOS devices in their organization.

iOS Sync (which works with iOS 7 and iOS 8, and the upcoming iPhone 6 and 6+) is now available for Google Apps for Work, Google Apps for Education and Google Apps for Government. Admins should access the Device management function in the Admin console to establish an Apple push notification certificate and begin enabling these new functions.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Admins will be able to allow the installation of any GAM apps, or they can choose to customize which apps are made available to their domains. Admins can also turn the feature off altogether if they so choose.

Note: This feature will be defaulted to allow users to install any GAM apps at launch to Rapid release domains (excluding K-12 EDU domains, where it will be defaulted off). Admins from Scheduled release domains will see the Admin console controls for this feature with Rapid rollout, and can disable it if so desired prior to Scheduled launch. Users from Scheduled release domains who try to install an app from GAM prior to the Scheduled rollout will be prevented from doing so and will receive the following error message: You do not have privileges to install this application. Please contact your domain admin.

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks

For more information:
Google for Work blog postHelp Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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For example, if an asterisk [*] or hyphen [-] is typed as the first visible character, followed by the space bar, it would be automatically be turned into a bulleted list without the person having to press a shortcut or toolbar/menu button. Typing ‘1)’ or ‘a.’ followed by the space bar would turn into a numbered list, as would other permutations like I., (A), etc.

The automated lists feature will be defaulted on, but users will be able to disable it in Tools -> Preferences.

Coupled with this launch, pressing the backspace button immediately after any autocorrection, including automated lists, will undo it. For example, if a person types ‘(c)’ and the autocorrect system converts it to the copyright symbol ‘©’, pressing backspace immediately after it will revert it back to ‘(c)’.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Format bulleted and numbered lists
Spell-check and automatic corrections

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Release Schedule

For more information:
Chromium blog announcement
Chrome release blog announcement

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Anyone presenting in the same room using will automatically join in “Present to everyone” mode if there are no other presenters.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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The latest date for which all data points are present (usually 2 days prior to the current day) has a green background. When this date gets delayed beyond the standard 2 days delay, admins can choose a later date to access data which is not delayed and is available at the selected date:

On the API side, the API will return data for the latest available report date and admins will be able to select older dates when data gets delayed. The API will also return a warning if some of the data is missing.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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To give access to your content to others, click the blue “Share” button (or select a file/folder in Drive and click the person icon), and you’ll see a new “Get shareable link” button and grey icon in the upper right corner of the pop-up window. With one click on “Get shareable link,” you’ll see your file’s link appear and that the icon turns from grey to green, meaning that the file is ready to be shared with view-only access.

If you want anyone with the link to do more with your file, like leave comments and suggestions or make edits, just change “Can view” to “Can comment” or “Can edit” in the dropdown. And as always, if you only want certain people to be able to view, comment on, or edit your file, add their email addresses and we’ll send them a link that only they can access.

Release track:
Rapid release (gradual rollout), with Scheduled release coming two weeks after completion of rollout to Rapid

For more information:
Drive Blog Post
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Today we are launching an easy way to provision and manage these certificates across a fleet of devices. We’re providing an API so that extensions can support a variety of enrollment protocols and workflows. At the same time, we ensure that the private key is TPM backed and never leaves the device.

The extension can be pushed and the EAP-TLS network configuration can be specified via the Admin console.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Manage client certificates on Chrome Devices

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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