Please note that the first two features above are only available to customers with Google Apps Unlimited and Google Apps for Education.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More information
Help Center: Drive audit log (Google Apps Unlimited)

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In discussions with email designers, these supported CSS rules were identified as the most useful media queries to support responsive design. This is just one part of an overall effort to expand CSS support in Gmail and to give email designers more control over how their messages are rendered. For example, the CSS below applies the color red when the screen width exceeds 500px.
@media screen and (min-width: 500px) {
.colored {
You can find the full list of supported CSS rules in the developer documentation. We hope this reference helps you create more feature-rich, responsive email for users. Happy formatting!

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release after September 29, 2016

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (more than 3 days for feature visibility)

All end-users

Change management suggested

More Information
Gmail Blog (for end-users)

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Get help with speling — er, spelling
When you're trying to find a doc fast, it's easy for typos to slip into your search. Drive now has a new autocorrect feature that suggests corrections to misspelled search terms — which can really help when your brain is moving faster than your fingers.

Enjoy other updates based on your feedback
We’ve also added a few small but mighty features in Google Docs to help you create your best work:

  • You can now easily split your document into multiple columns in Docs. Just choose “Columns” in the “Format” drop-down menu when you need more formatting options to get your point across.
  • We know that work happens in all types of file formats. So, when you open, convert and edit non-Google files in Docs, Sheets and Slides, we’ll now save a copy for you. Just view or download the non-Google source file in its original format directly from Revision History in Docs, Sheets and Slides on the web.

These features are available globally and will roll out gradually starting today. As always, tell us know what you think about these new features on Google+ and Twitter. We’re listening.

Posted by Josh Smith, Product Manager, Google Drive

Launch Details
Release track:  
Launching to Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in 2 weeks

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (potentially longer than 3 days for feature visibility)

All end users
Change management required

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In an effort to ensure our customers are getting the best possible experience when using Chromebox for meetings (CFM), we are revisiting how ChromeOS updates are handled for CFM devices.

Today, CFM admins are able to manage ChromeOS updates by choosing to pin a ChromeOS version and enable/disable ChromeOS updates for their devices. Customers pinning the ChromeOS version or disabling auto-updates may not enjoy the benefits that new ChromeOS versions may bring them, including new features and security updates. This can result in a degraded user experience when using the Hangouts application on CFM devices.

To address this issue, we are rolling out a new feature in the Admin console―planned for October 12, 2016―that will allow the Hangouts application to update in tandem with ChromeOS. This will enable the Hangouts application to directly manage ChromeOS updates to ensure high reliability and stability for CFM devices.

When this feature launches, admins will not be able to configure the auto-update settings when the release channel is set to stable. However, they will still be able to configure the OS update scattering policy.
Screenshot 2016-09-02 at 10.33.24 AM.png
Our goal is to provide a superior experience that will delight your users with minimal admin intervention. We would love to hear your thoughts on this planned change. Please reach out to us at

Launch Details
Release track:
Launch to both Rapid release and Scheduled release planned for October 12, 2016

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

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Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Change management suggested/FYI

Learn more
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Once launched, when users upload files that have the same filename as an existing file, they’ll be deduplicated, and the old file will be in revision history. This is so that if any mistakes are made, users can get back to the previous version. Similarly, uploaded folders will be merged with folders of the same name.

To prevent the files from being deduplicated, click on “Keep as separate file” once it’s been uploaded.

Available on the web today for Rapid release users, we hope you enjoy the simpler way to update your files.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in 2 weeks

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (potentially longer than 3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More information
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Check out the latest "What's New in Google Apps" newsletter [pdf] for a roundup of all Apps launches from August 2016.

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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