With the latest version of the Drive app installed, you can easily access and manage documents and photos stored in Drive just by opening up the Files app on your iOS device. If you have Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides apps installed as well, tapping on any Google document, spreadsheet, or presentation in the Files app will open the app of the associated Google editor. You can also take advantage of new iOS 11 features like dragging and dropping files between apps and folders in the Files App.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: How to use Google Drive on iPhone and iPad

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While presenting, tap the laser pointer icon in the header and use your finger to highlight key areas of your jam:

Swipe left or right to present different jams to the meeting:

We’ve also made jams easier to create and share on the go, enhanced the experience to join a live jam session on a nearby board, and improved the overall mobile UI.

For a full list of new features and improvements from this month’s release, check out the What’s New in Jamboard page in the Help Center.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite Basic, Business, Enterprise, and Education* customers

*G Suite for Education customers will need to satisfy certain requirements in order to purchase Jamboard devices. See the Help Center FAQ for more information.

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center

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As a bonus, we’re also introducing saved print settings with this launch. Just modify your settings once, and they’ll be retained the next time you—or a collaborator—opens that same spreadsheet.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to Rapid Release, with Scheduled Release coming in two weeks

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

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Data Studio is more than just sharing reports with other people—it’s true collaboration. We used the same infrastructure as Google Docs, so you can edit reports together, in real time. This is useful as you combine data from multiple teams and need others to add analysis and context to the report.

Visualization tools to style your reports and data
In addition to new sharing and collaboration tools, Data Studio gives you many flexible ways to present your data. Sure, there’s the usual assortment of bar charts, pie charts, and time series. But we’ve also included some new visualizations—like bullet charts—that help you communicate your progress towards a business goal.
Another advanced feature is the ability to create a heatmap using tabular data. This visualization makes it easy to instantly identify outliers within a table of data.

Data Studio also has an array of other features to help you customize how you present your data. There are a number of stylistic tools that let you design your reports to represent your specific brand. There are also interactive data controls, like a date picker and dynamic filters, that enable report editors to make reports interactive for viewers.

Getting started
These are just a few of the tools that you can use to help others in your organization understand data. For more information, check out our Help Center and Community Forum.

Though not an official G Suite service, Data Studio is currently available globally for free. We hope it helps you share more data and make better business decisions.

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The Office of Information Technology for the State of Colorado uses the new Keep and Slides integration to keep track of population numbers at different agencies and report them to their team. Instead of digging through emails and Docs to track down figures, the team saves statistics to Keep and drags them into Slides to present.

If you’re new to Keep, download here.

Skip manual updates, use linked Slides
Whether you’re trying to prepare several client presentations or make sure data is up to date, repeatedly copying slides from one presentation to another is a major time-sink. Now, you can link and sync slides from multiple presentations with a click. This way, you can maintain a single source of truth and easily update linked slides to match the source, like for quarterly business reviews or company presentations.

Sriram Iyer, Senior Director of Product Management at Salesforce Sales Cloud, is excited to use the new slide embedding feature to streamline his teams workflows. Says Iyer, “At Salesforce, we use Google Slides for customer-facing and internal presentations. The linked slides feature will help us easily keep presentations up-to-date.”

You asked, we updated
Our customers also asked for additional features in Slides. We listened to those requests and now you can:

Try these feature upgrades and create better presentations.

Try new add-ons, shape up your Slides
We’re constantly improving Slides to provide you with robust tools to share ideas. Today, we’re bringing add-ons to Slides. To kick it off, we’re introducing seven integrations—designed to bring expertise from companies like Adobe and Shutterstock—right in Slides.

Use these new, rich integrations to help you build more powerful presentations, whether you want to add full-bleed images, use advanced image editing tools or include diagrams you created in programs outside of G Suite.

Search for and add images from Adobe Stock, right in Slides.
You can use the Adobe Stock add-on to build visually-stunning presentations in Slides. Teams can seamlessly search, preview and purchase Adobe Stock images—without leaving Slides. Through the add-on, teams can also use Adobe Stock Visual Search to find relevant stock images with an uploaded image (versus a text search).

Use the Shutterstock Editor add-on to add and customize photos within Slides.
With the Shutterstock add-on, teams can browse Shutterstock’s entire library of royalty-free images, and sign into Shutterstock to license content, directly in Slides. Select an image, then apply customization options like filters, text, logos and more.

Teams can benefit from even more powerful capabilities in Slides with additional add-ons from Balsamiq, Lucidchart, Pear Deck, Noun Project and Unsplash. Tap “Add-ons” in the Slides menu bar to get started.

In addition, starting today, you can pair add-ons with templates in Slides—just like you can in Docs and Sheets. Keep in mind that add-ons will only work if they’re enabled for your domain, and templates paired with add-ons will abide by the same Admin console settings as all other templates. These templates will be available in English only.

Customize Slides, automate workflows with Apps Script
Apps Script, the same technology that powers add-ons, can transform the way you work. Apps Script for Slides lets your teams programmatically create and modify Slides, and customize the menus, dialog boxes and sidebars in the user interface.

So, what’s the big deal? Apps Script provides amazing possibilities for improving your team’s workflows. Sales teams can use Apps Script to automatically pull in information from Sheets’ databases to create customized client pitch decks and templates. Marketing teams can host internal assets in a customized sidebar in Slides for easy access to logos and files they use most often.

To learn more about how you can automate your workflows using Apps Script, check out this post.

Present with confidence using Slides.

NOTE: All of the features above are launching on the web only, with the exception of the Skip slide feature, which is available on Android and iOS devices as well.

Launch Details
Release track:
All web features launching to Rapid Release, with Scheduled Release coming in two weeks*; all mobile features launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

*The Balsamiq template will appear immediately in the Slides template gallery, but the add-on functionality associated with it will launch only to domains on the Rapid Release track. Domains on the Scheduled Release track will see add-on functionality in two weeks.

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Use Google Keep in a document or presentation
Help Center: Link a chart, table, or slides to Google Docs or Slides
Help Center: Insert and arrange text, shapes, diagrams, and lines
Help Center: Add, delete, & organize slides
Help Center: Use add-ons & Apps Script
Help Center: Create a file from a template

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If you choose not to transfer events upon user deletion, it is recommended that you opt in to have Calendar automatically cancel future events for all deleted employees, 21 days after the deletion. This will ensure that no unmanaged future events remain in the calendars of guests and resources. To opt in for automatic cancellation, navigate to Apps > G Suite > Calendar > Manage User Data.

At any other time (e.g. after a user’s suspension), you can manually initiate event transfer, event cancellation or resource release of future events, by navigating to Apps > G Suite > Calendar > Manage User Data.

Please note, this service is available to Super Admins and to admins who have the Data Transfer privilege.

For more information, please visit this Help Center article.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Manage Calendar events for suspended or deleted accounts

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