Vault and confidential messages received from external senders - Your users might receive confidential mode messages from external parties such as other G Suite customers and from personal Gmail accounts. You can hold, retain, search and export message headers and subjects of external confidential messages. However, you can't search or export message content or attachments from external confidential messages.

Here’s an example of what will see in Vault when they search for, and preview this email sent by an external domain (

See our Help Center for more information on Vault and Gmail confidential mode. You can also see how to protect Gmail messages with confidential mode.

Support for Jamboard files (“jams”) stored in Google Drive 

With this launch, you’ll be able to manage Jamboard files that have been saved to a user’s Google Drive:

  • Retain Jamboard data through Vault with the same retention rules that you set for Google Drive. All your retention rules set for Drive will automatically apply to jams in Drive. 
  • Preserve Jamboard data through Drive holds. 
  • Search for Jamboard data in Vault, alongside other Drive files, or only search Jamboard files with the “type:jam” search operator. You can also preview jams and export them. 

See our Help Center for to see how to set retention rules for Drive, which will also apply to jams. 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

Vault support for Jamboard 

Vault support for Gmail Confidential in beta is completely rolled out to all domains.

G Suite editions 
Available to G Suite Business, Enterprise, and Enterprise for Education editions, as well as G Suite users with the Vault add-on license

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON.

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    • End users: Once Gmail confidential mode is activated in the Admin console, users can send Gmail confidential mode emails. When they compose an email, there is a button to enable confidential mode for the email.

      If users click on the button, it opens the Gmail confidential mode user settings dialog box where they can modify the settings:

      Additional details

      At the beta launch, Gmail confidential mode will:

      1. Allow users to set an expiration date for messages or revoke access at any time
      2. Disable options to forward, copy, print, and download the email body and attachments
      3. Allow users to set SMS passcodes wherein recipients will get a passcode by text message to be able to access the email sent using confidential mode
      4. Let users choose to remove access early before the expiration date.
      Note: Although confidential mode helps prevent the recipients from accidentally sharing your email, it doesn't prevent recipients from taking screenshots or photos of your messages or attachments. Recipients who have malicious programs on their computer may still be able to copy or download your messages or attachments.

      Additionally, if your users send or receive messages in Gmail confidential mode, Vault will retain, preserve, search and export confidential mode messages. The message body of received messages will be accessible in Vault only if the sender of the message is from within your organization. Learn more about how Vault works for confidential mode messages here.

      Helpful links

      Help Center: About Gmail confidential mode:


      G Suite editions

      • Available to G Suite editions.

      On/off by default?

      • This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled by the admin via the Admin console.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      Additional details 

      To prevent disruption to end-user productivity, G Suite Migrate maintains a high level of fidelity for migrated content from supported sources: Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Shares. The following versions will be supported as part of this beta:


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      Who’s impacted

      Admins and end users.

      Why you’d use it

      We launched App Maker to general availability in June 2018, so teams can easily build custom apps that speed up their workflows and improve their processes. As part of that launch, we gave G Suite admins access to the App Maker projects report, which includes a list of all App Maker projects in their organization and details for each app.

      We hope that this launch will make it easier to use and manage App Maker projects in your organization.

      How to get started

      Helpful links

      Help Center: Manage App Maker in your domain


      Rollout details
      G Suite editions

      On/off by default? 

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches
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      Check out the latest "What's New in G Suite" launch recap (pdf) for a roundup of all G Suite launches from February 2019.

      Archive and translated versions (coming soon for February issue)

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      Additional details 

      This launch allows you to control access for devices with endpoint verification installed. This includes Chromebooks and other desktop devices running the Google Chrome browser.

      Tag newly registered endpoint verification devices as ‘Approved’ or ‘Blocked’ before setting access 

      When a new device is registered via Endpoint Verification, admins can turn on access restriction in the Access Context Manager. From there, they can govern device access by selecting ‘Approve’ or ‘Block’.

      See image below to see how this will look in the Admin console with the feature ON.

      If this policy is OFF, devices will be approved by default and can be blocked later on, for example, if a device is lost or a device is compromised.

      Turn individual device access on or off 

      Admins can approve or remove access for devices in the Admin Console. A new view at Admin console > Device Management > Device Approvals will list all devices in a pending approval state. From this list, they can be tagged as Deviced/Approved — once devices are tagged, further access policies can be configured in the Access Context Manager.

      Admins can also get email notifications for when a device is registered but needs admin approval. See our Help Center to learn how to configure email notifications.

      Helpful links 


      Rollout details 
      G Suite editions 
      • Available to all G Suite editions. 
      On/off by default? 
      • Manual device verification will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain and OU level. 
      • Individual device access controls will be ON by default.

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      The new Jamboard UI 


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions 
      Available to all G Suite editions.

      On/off by default? 
      This feature will be ON by default.

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      If the screen reader option is selected from the accessibility settings dialog, an Accessibility menu will be displayed at the top of Docs, Sheets, and Slides for easy access.


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions 
      Available to all G Suite editions.

      On/off by default? 
      This feature will be ON by default.

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      Rollout details

      G Suite editions 
      Available to G Suite Editions.

      On/off by default?
      This feature will be ON by default.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches
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